February 28, 2008

Chapters in the Native Son

Pages 3-13
Chapter 1 : Home
This chapter is basically about the problems Bigger face at home. In the beginning, Bigger kills a rat with his bare hands and then scares his little sister with the dead rat. This was making his mother angry and wondering why she even gave birth to him. Also, since they have no father, Bigger is somehow shown as the father of the family and also as the problem child in this chapter.

Pages 13-40
Chapter 2 : Friends
This chapter shows Bigger’s experiences within having friends and being in a gang. In this chapter, He is being talked into robbing an old man’s store, but then Bigger feels pressured because he feels like he doesn’t want to do it & he thinks he has to because he has to show he’s the man of the gang even if he feels nervous and uneasy about robbing someone.

Pages 40-44
Chapter 3 : Job
Bigger and Gus gets into a physical fight that was ended by his friends and Doc, the owner of the hangout where Bigger and his gang usually meet up at. After Bigger leaves, he has to decide whether he should face Mr. Dalton, a white, rich man that offers to give him a job. He eventually went to see him because he knew he had no choice and he needed to make money.

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