February 29, 2008

NHD reflections.

As I look back at the National History Day, it was stressful and also a waste of time. I have to say, my classes kept giving me more work, projects and homework for me to complete, and then, there’s the NHD too. It just completely took my focus off everything else and went straight to NHD. It was pretty difficult to balance out both classes and NHD. Also, because of my focus on NHD, I ended up getting a D on a science project, which also pulled down my science grade for the second report card. Even though I got everything done in the end, all I got from NHD was knowledge on a topic that I can't even do anything about or even really make an importance out of it. My goal for next year is to start my project early and get everything done before everyone starts doing their NHD projects. That way, I don’t have to take my focus off the classes and put it on NHD just so I can pass ONE class. After everything, I plan to keep researching on Child Labor and reveal more information. At least it was a Mission Accomplished.

- update on may 26, 2008.
I just found out that I didn't win the NHD competition & I also found out that some other competitors had used my topic in the NHD competition after the city and state competitions - what a ripoff. No one really thought of my topic which was about child labor. I think this is just plainly a stupid competition - I'm not going to waste my time on it again but I will still do it since it is required in my school or whatever.

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